Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Modernization Specifications

The Planning office has shared with us the likely specifications for a new RCF building and I have included them below. Take some time to look through the PDF. It is really exciting.

There is so much more space than we have had to date. It is amazing to contemplate what this will mean for the next generation of RCF students. Staff will actually have offices! The lunch room will seat everyone!

Current law mandates that all schools be "green." Which means at least LEED Silver, and so far, all new schools have been LEED Gold. (see the link to find out more about the LEED program: http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=1586, for a more understandable version see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership_in_Energy_and_Environmental_Design). Current law also requires a green roof -- literally, there will be plants on the roof to minimize run off into Rock Creek and the Chesapeake Bay.

Finally, keep an eye out for meeting annoucements. There will be a lot of planning happening in the fall!

Here's the link to the specifications: Modernization Specifications